It’s Saturday morning. I slept well (yay!) and it’s a long holiday weekend. I am living a life beyond my wildest dreams and about to begin a new chapter that has been completely divinely orchestrated. Yet today, I feel lonely. I embrace the loneliness, thank it for its presence, and ask it what it would have me learn from it. I accept it as being exactly as it is supposed to be in this moment. I ask Universe for help, for its loving wisdom, and listen for the answer.
“Just be” enters my awareness.
This is how the rest of my morning went.
I was scheduled to speak on a New Hampshire Big Book meeting, at 9 AM, 65 participants. Fear sets in. I breathe and connect. Universe immediately reminds me-
“It’s not about you. If you step aside and allow the spirit of all that is to speak through you, there is nothing to fear”.
I step aside. The meeting was awesome. I don’t remember much of what I said (this is a good sign) but based on the feedback from the group-I was of service. I met a bunch of new people who had a strong message of recovery, connected with a man from NYC who may want to start a BB Step Study meeting with me in Hell’s Kitchen (how cool), and I was invited to speak next month for a group in North Carolina.
Loneliness diminishing….
After the meeting my beautiful sponsee and friend Molly calls. I am heading out for a long walk so I grab my headphones and bring Molly along. The conversation is wonderful. As we are chatting away I look down and see this poor little, obviously dead, dragonfly. Dragonflies are my all time favorite things in the world. His photo is next to this story. A perfectly positioned as if to be found, dead dragonfly.
“Awweee” I said to Molly, “a poor little dead dragonfly.” 🙁
“Awweee” Molly sympathizes, “I hope you see a live one on your walk!”
We continue a deep conversation. I share with Molly that I’d been feeling lonely.
“I’m feeling lonely too!” she continued “I prayed to the Universe for direction. What do I do? I was then moved to call you but I told myself that I should be able to trust and rely on God and go inward to solve my loneliness.”
This launched us into a new conversation on how we both tend to receive the intuition (that is to say we receive the answer) and then bring it to the brain for confirmation, validation, analysis, etc. There is NO need to ask the brain what it thinks about intuition! THAT IS trusting and relying on God! Intuition is heart-felt. It is generated by the divine essence within. It needs no validation, analysis, or acceptance of any kind from the brain.
Spirit solved my loneliness today by giving me the opportunity to be of service on the meeting this morning, to be of service to Molly, and then after, to be of service to another sponsee.
Spirit solved Molly’s loneliness by giving her the opportunity to be of service to me.
As we ended our 1:11 minute call (we happened to check to see how long we’d been on the phone at 1:11:40 minutes-angel numbers) a baby dragonfly darts past me.
Loneliness gone.
-Brenda H