What do I do when I feel rejected by someone?

mirror photography of mountain and trees near body of water

I pray, always. I then ask myself “how old do I feel in this moment?”

The answer to this usually tells me how old I was when I first experienced this feeling.  Only then, when I realize the feeling is just an expression of a childhood injury, that I can remind myself:

I am a unique expression of God’s love

I am not alone. Not now, not ever.

Rejection is protection.  

The infinite Universe knows what is best for me.

I accept this situation as being exactly as it is supposed to be in this moment.

I am love and light.

I then thank Spirit for clarity and pray for the well being and happiness of the person.


a green plant growing on the side of a tree

Hello! I am Brenda

Your divine essence is a unique expression of Spirit Spirit exists in each an every one of us. To know the love in you and for you to know the love in me.. IS to know the SOTU

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mirror photography of mountain and trees near body of water