Navigating Adversity

a green plant growing on the side of a tree

There are 2 tools in my spiritual toolbox that immediately come to mind when navigating adversity.

Life happens – I remember that life is happening all around me.  IT is happening. It is NOT always happening to me. When I can depersonalize the event, the event is less painful.

Circumstance – The happenings of life are no more than circumstances.  Circumstances are manageable.  When I remind myself what is happening is just a cirucumstance (that’s all) I am much more likely to seek out Spirit for the right perspective of the circumstance so I can release it.

Every situation, every person, every encounter, IS A HOLY ONE designed ultimately for my highest good.  I believe this to my core andI have witnessed it time and time again.

I have no doubt regarding this.


a green plant growing on the side of a tree

Hello! I am Brenda

Your divine essence is a unique expression of Spirit Spirit exists in each an every one of us. To know the love in you and for you to know the love in me.. IS to know the SOTU

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a green plant growing on the side of a tree