The Lottery 07/12/2023
I had a beautiful day full of synchronicity.
First I was comtemplating how I was going to get to New Haven after work to see my daughter for visit and be able to get home at a reasonable time. The same drive from NY to CT yesterday took 2.5 hours!
When I arrived at work I ‘happened’ to address a rejected claim notice from my flexible
spending account which led me to begin complaining! The complaining led to a second conversation where I whined on about my lack of insurance coverage because of a snafoo with social security. My boss strongly suggested I leave work and go get the snafu taken care of at the New Haven Social Security Office.
Problem with time challenges to connect with my daugher resolved!! Leaving this early for New Haven eliminates the 2.5 hour traffic problem!
Next, there was literally, NO LINE at the social security office in New Haven. I got right in, met with a competent individual, explained the social security error and…
Snafu fixed.
Connection time with my daughter wonderful, home, ready for bed, meditation time.
I put the meditation below on-it’s amazing. It brings me right to my heart and into my divine essence.
I breathe deeply.
I affirm my spirit.
I affirm the other spirits in my midst (there are many that I am actively aware of)
and I begin the blissful experience of connecting, through awareness, with all the engergies present.
I know it is all divine expression.
I know I am connecting with the essence of God. I live for these moments.
My mind wanders.
I think about the powerball ticket I bought today.
I think about how wonderful it would be to win the lottery.
Then, without warning, a silent pause. A nothingness moment.
Divine essense whispers “You already have.”
This resonated so deeply within my soul I immediately began sobbing.
“You already have.”
I already HAVE won the lottery!
I know what I am.
All my needs are met.
All my wants are met.
I cried for a long time tonight during this blissful meditation.
It was one of those cellular level experiences.
Profoundly grateful to be aware. Profoundly grateful to be awakening…
Sleep well my brothers and sisters in conciousness. Sleep well…