
Molly M.

 I love the wind.
The Spirit of the Universe, that celestial being, sends a current of magic:
Light, love, stardust, divine purpose.
The current sweeps me up, carries me  high into the infinite, unconditional sky, and I will not fall.
I fly! Moonshine and rainbow sunbeams on my heavenly body.

I love. I’ve an infinite, unconditional, strong heart. I love all. I am part of every spark, every glowing particle in this infinite Universe.
Connected, I am everywhere at once. Holy. I am no longer fear; it slides off me, below me. It is impermanent.
I am safe. I am free. I am unlimited.
I am part of an infinite family of glorious, breathtakingly beautiful angels, giants, fairies, wizards, stars, gardens, oceans, mountains, sunrises of golden light. We are never apart, Never separated. Now — I am always home.
Embraced. Accepted. Understood. Loved. All divine things.

a green plant growing on the side of a tree

Hello! I am Brenda

Your divine essence is a unique expression of Spirit Spirit exists in each an every one of us. To know the love in you and for you to know the love in me.. IS to know the SOTU

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