The Old Couch

It was a typical Tuesday morning, 6:30am and I’m driving to work. I’m furiously thinking about how I am going to get rid of this ‘half a couch’ I have (because the mover couldn’t fit the ‘rest of the couch’ through the front door of my apartment). I can’t lift it (I have a cage in my lower back), I don’t want to spend more money on a mover, etc.

As per usual, I put on Marianne Williamson’s daily workbook lesson of A Course in Miracles. Today’s lesson, #50, “I am sustained by the love of God”. “Wonderful!” I thought. In the lesson Marianne starts to share about synchronicity, something I’ve been experiencing on a grand scale over the last three years! As she is sharing about how she was meeting a friend for a drink the evening before she was to lecture on ACIM…and how she had a terrible sore throat…how she didn’t have access to antibiotics….how a man from across the bar was leering at her (not her type at all she says)…how she ordered a hot totty at the bar explaining to the bartender that she was ordering it to soothe her sore throat…how ‘leering man’ came over (having overheard her conversation with the bartender) …turned out to be a doctor…who said there was a pharmacy next door..who wrote her a prescription for the antibiotic…


and a truck drives by me “ -will you fill this truck for a veteran?”

-Brenda H

a green plant growing on the side of a tree

Hello! I am Brenda

Your divine essence is a unique expression of Spirit Spirit exists in each an every one of us. To know the love in you and for you to know the love in me.. IS to know the SOTU

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