Weekend Synchronicity 07/21-07/23

Weekend Synchronicity

Walking down the driveway of a friends bridal shower in Mass this weekend, I ‘happened’ to look up

and the breeze was blowing in such a way that it appeared as though the leaves atop a tree were waving at me.

It took my breath away.

Same day, on the way home a red cardinal flew by my car on the parkway. I was like,

“dude, get off the parkway, you’re going to get hurt!” The red cardinal experiences

happen with regularity now.

I was on a walk listening to an incredible life-changing book “I Am The Word” By Paul Selig (a channeled text) and this dragonfly came into my awareness.  As he flew by I said “Come back! I want to see you!”

It continued flying away from me.

I continued to watch it and wait.

Sure enough it turned around and headed back toward me. Not only did it come close enough for me to see it’s beautiful coloring, it paused on a lampost and stayed long enough for me to take a photo.  I was able to approach several steps towards it to get a detailed shot. Oh and today is 7-23-23!

Then, as I entered my complex at the end of my walk I was moved to look up.  I looked up.

There he was.  A beautiful bright red cardinal sitting on top of a telephone pole.

I thanked him.

Weekend angel numbers : 10:10, 1:11, 2:22, 5:55


-Brenda H

a green plant growing on the side of a tree

Hello! I am Brenda

Your divine essence is a unique expression of Spirit Spirit exists in each an every one of us. To know the love in you and for you to know the love in me.. IS to know the SOTU

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